Montreal Sourcebooks I: Montreal 2074
This is the first in a series of articles on sourcebooks for Montreal. Not always for Call of Cthulhu (as there for now only exists one, Horror's Heart), but for any and all games systems. To which end, there is a new release of a sourcebook for Shadowrun, titled Montreal 2074 . I has been a long time since I played Shadowrun, and that was the old edition. It does hold some fond memories, but I always did find it a little too much of a dungeon bash rather than a real futuristic adventure game. From the description supplied by DriveThruRPG: Great White Shadows Bikers and go-gangs roam the streets of Montreal in 2074. Organized crime outfits struggle for territory. And neo-anarchists add spice and danger to the streets. All this would seem to be nothing more than lawless chaos except for one thing—money. Cheap real estate and savvy moves by the megacorporations have brought some cash into town, and a new city is being built on the remains of the old. And as every runner...