
Showing posts from August, 2014

I can't even...

That little phrase in the title has become a meme unto itself, as a way of expressing that something that is idiotic, or stupid on the internet (that covers a lot of said internet). What is not so well know, is that good ol' HPL himself was the originator of said meme, as this neat little essay claims to prove. Go read it, then read some Lovecraft, it'll give you a whole host of new ways to express your emotions at online idiocy.

The town of Quebeck in New France

We took a bit of a last minute decision to go and visit Quebec City this week, so I went and looked out the travel books I have for the city: I'll stick them both in my bag to take with me, but even though I have just finished my last book (One Summer by Bill Bryson, but more on that later) I doubt I'll actually get through reading HPL's travelogue of Quebec City , which is apparently the longest written work he ever produced, and the trip to Quebec was the only time he ever came to Canada. However, there are some nice little observations in there, and some great drawings the man himself drew to accompany the work, so I will at least skim through it, and compare my trip to his. Unfortunately, we're only going for the weekend, so I won't be able to visit all the places he did, but fingers crossed I'll find some of them.