
Showing posts from January, 2015

Frost Quakes

The weather here over the last week has been atrocious. First a heavy snow fall, followed by a thaw, freezing rain, then the temperature plummeted to -24 o C. Yesterday, everything was frozen solid, then today, we're having another couple of feet of beautiful powder, which is great for the skiers amongst us, but loathsome to the drivers. One thing to come out of this, was my learning of this wonderfully strange phenomenon, frost quakes , or cryoseisms , or as I now rename it, Ithaqua's footprints. Or maybe even ice shoggoths on the move. Ice shoggoths, now there's an idea...

La Bolduc, Les Américains

A Quebec folk song by La Bolduc written during the prohibition-era of the 1920`s and 30`s. From my new best source of Montreal History, The Montreal Then and Now Facebook group. Otherwise, I know nothing of the singer, or the song, however, there are a few videos by the same artist available to listen to on Youtube. Great for some contemporary background music.