What's in the box? I'm a little lost for words, I just received a package, from a Kickstarter, that was delivered on time. Okay okay, this may happen all the time with some kinds of Kickstarters, in fact, I have rather a good record of this with two other Kickstarters I have backed. So let me be clearer. I received a Call of Cthulhu based Kickstarter, on time! I have backed a total of five CoC Kickstarters, and this is the first to have arrived on time, and indeed the second to have arrived at all, which is quite a big deal considering it was the last one of these five to be funded. Indeed, the Curse of Cthulhu Kickstarters meant I was very hesitant to back this one at all. As it stands, the Sedefkar Simulacrum has arrived here in Montreal. Of course, I the Horror on the Orient Express box set did arrive, if indeed it was only 21 months late. This campaign was to sculpt and produce the Sedefkar Simulacrum, which is the statue that players in the HotOE campaign...