Sedefkar Simulacrum Arrives

What's in the box?
I'm a little lost for words, I just received a package, from a Kickstarter, that was delivered on time. 

Okay okay, this may happen all the time with some kinds of Kickstarters, in fact, I have rather a good record of this with two other Kickstarters I have backed. So let me be clearer. I received a Call of Cthulhu based Kickstarter, on time! 

I have backed a total of five CoC Kickstarters, and this is the first to have arrived on time, and indeed the second to have arrived at all, which is quite a big deal considering it was the last one of these five to be funded. Indeed, the Curse of Cthulhu Kickstarters meant I was very hesitant to back this one at all. As it stands, the Sedefkar Simulacrum has arrived here in Montreal.

Of course, I the Horror on the Orient Express box set did arrive, if indeed it was only 21 months late. This campaign was to sculpt and produce the Sedefkar Simulacrum, which is the statue that players in the HotOE campaign travel round Europe to find, collecting parts of the statue as they go.
I must say, in many ways, this Kickstarter has exceeded all my expectations. The Simulacrum looks better in the 'flesh' than in any of the pics, all the associated artwork and extras too are immaculate. I love the poster for the opera, and will be looking to find a way to put that on my wall (if only I had a man-cave). With this prop now in hand I fully intend to gather a gaming group and start this campaign. I don't really make New Years resolutions, but if I did, that would be one!

Not my copy of the Eye.
The added extra of finally receiving the Eye of Light and Darkness prop as part of this project just highlights how well this Kickstarter was run, managed, communicated and produced. Of course, the Eye of Light and Darkness finally arriving has brought into focus the disastrous shambolic mess that has arisen from the Masks of Nyarathotep Kickstarter campaign, of which I am a backer. However, as a slight analgesic to backers, Dean at Cthulhu Reborn has released the MoN campaign character sheet that was produced to accompany this Kickstater Campaign.

The success of this project may be in some way due to the fact that the artist had previously tried to set up the project through Indiegogo, and failed. It is somewhat telling as to the why that the goal of the Indiegogo campaign was not reached, even with the success of the KS campaign.

What cannot be understated is the level of communication between Delphes, the artist and creator of the project, and the backers. From the very first contact made, as soon as I had made the pledge, all the way through the production process, and finally to the shipping off of all the items (which happened over the Christmas and New Year period no less), the communication level was consistently excellent.

For more info on this campaign, and to get a heads on any future ones that may come from Delphine, there's a facebook page here, and the Kickstarter page is here.

Top marks!

I had started this blog post with the intention of it being an unboxing, but it seems to have meandered down the rabbit hole of a KS linkfest, so I'll round off here and get n with the unboxing as a separate post. I guess you'll just have to wait to see what's in the box!


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