Kickstarter: Tour de Lovecraft by Ken Hite

What's that? Three posts in as many days? Why yes, I am being rather productive over here, though it as, as it must be, at the detriment to my other areas of hobby interest.

I have been on the lookout for a paper copy of Kenneth Hite's book, Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales, for some time now, but it is out of print, and I am not looking for it so much that I'm willing for pay over the odds for a copy. yes, I could buy an eBook, but quyite frankly, I never get round to reading those.

This has now been remedied, in spades, with the launch of a new Kickstarter my Atomic Overmind Press. Where they are looking to print the second volume of Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations. With this, the first stretch goal is the re-release of The first volume: the Tales. Problem solved!

Needless to say, I have backed this Kickstarter, and look forward to it's success. This also means that I now have the pdf version of the original book, to read through before Neconomicon in August.


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