Steve Jackson's Sorcery!
Sorcery! is a book from 1983. A Fighting Fantasy Choose your own adventure book, which is from a set originally released back in 1983. This set of game books differentiates itself from the original FF set, through allowing you to use magic. I picked up a copy of the first of these books, 'The Shamutanti Hills' a couple days ago, and with this week being spring break for the kids, I had time to sit down and play it. I decided to go with the Sorcerer, instead of the normal warrior, taking 2 less skill points, and sticking in. Thankfully, I rolled well on my stats, so the difference was not really noticeable. I assumed that you'd pick up spells on the way, but I got to the end of the book, killed the Manticore, and made it to the ending that led on to the next book, without once picking up a spell to use. I saw plenty of options of using spells, but at no point did I come across the three letter codes to learn any. I though I had just been unlucky, but a quick google (see Wiki...