Vaesen Form Fillable Character Sheet

I am looking to start a Vaesen campaign. This will be a novelty to me in two ways. One it's a new game to me, and secondly, I plan to co-GM this with another of the members of our Thursday gaming group.

 We both want to run the game, but as with all games like this, we both also want to play. Moreover, Vaesen is a game where if you have read the adventure, you can't play it. More so that many other games. And the other co-GM had already read a bunch of the scenarios, and so can't play them.

With that in mind, I will run through The Lost Mountain Saga, and they will run other, interweaving adventures. Vaesen will hopefully work well for this with The Society being great for this kind of troupe play.

With that in mind, I set off looking for a Vaesen character sheet. There is one freely available on the Free League website, but it's kind of basic, and there are surprisingly few variants out there. It's also not form-fillable. So I made it so.

Link to the form fillable character sheet is here.

Please feel free to download for your own personal use. If you find any bugs in the sheet, please let me know and I'll try to fix them.


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