A Year in Gaming 2024

Another bumper year of gaming, with 93 sessions over the last 52 weeks, 30 as a GM, 63 as a player. 

A few gaming highlights were playing Legend of the 5 Rings (1e) with John Wick as GM in January (that's a post of its own). 2024 was of course a NecronomiCon year, which brought a bunch of Highlights (I'm going to call out 2 games with Oscar Rios as the games that have stuck with me).

This was also the year when I started to run Masks of Nyarlathotep again, and getting through 2 chapters, plus a couple of self insert mini chapters was also fun, however, since there is a new prologue chapter of the campaign, I am yet to reach mu own high tide mark for running that campaign (London), but we are a total of 18 sessions in all so far, with more to come in the new year. 

Special mentions also to Ten Candles, Heirs to Heresy and Deathmatch Island as games that I really want to play/run again.

Now, on to the facts and figures.

Games Played

Games Ran

In that selection of games for 2024, there are 9 new games never played before. This was the year that I finally got to play 2e Delta Green, and followed it up by running it too. I do plan more Delta Green, so here's to that coming to fruition in 2025.

Other new games included Genesys/Android (not a system I clicked with, and seems too complicated to get re-played at our regular table), Cowboys with Big Hearts (also not one I'll be rushing to replay, but mostly as we've played it once), Mothership 1e (I'm counting this as a new game, as it is the new edition, and the rules have changed) and Deathmatch Island (this went down really well at the table, and I foresee a season 2).

So with that wrap up of gaming for 2024, it only remains for me to wish you all a very Happy New year, and hope the dice roll in your favour in 2025, and may all your games be scheduled without issue.


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