Horror on the Orient Express Kickstarter II

Not only did the Horror on the Orient Express Kickstarter make it's goal amount to be funded, but it made all it's stretch goals too. I recieved this email this morning:


Thanks to you and 1372 other backers, Horror on the Orient Express: Call of Cthulhu by Chaosium has been successfully funded. Amazon will now charge your credit card.

Pledge Summary
Amount pledged: $150.00
Reward: Conductor—CANADA— Copy of the final product, Orient Express T-Shirt, Orient Express tote, and four Limited edition Orient Express tickets, a set of Chaosium dice, and a pack of extra handouts for extra players or for your Call of Cthulhu collection, plus a Horror on the Orient Express keeper's screen. Your name listed on the contributor page of the book. **THIS LEVEL INCLUDES SHIPPING**

Estimated delivery: Aug 2013

When your reward is ready, Chaosium Inc. will send you a survey via email to request any info needed to deliver your reward (mailing address, T-shirt size, etc).

For some reason I would think that to make the final amount of $207,804 would require more than 1372 backers, but I guess not. I was sorely tempted to add some of the other knick-knacks from the store to my total, for example the box of minis looks like a great addition to the pile, but I resisted. What this email does not include are all the other goodies that were added to the Conductor level pledge through the stretch goals being reached.

This was added as an image to the updates on the Kickstarter page to get around the word limit placed on the site. Quite a haul all in all. This list does not include the extra adventures that will be written as part of other stretch goals that include extra chapters, and adventures for Cthulhu Invictus, 1890's, and Modern day eras.

That's next year's birthday present bought and paid for. Can't wait. Maybe by next August my schedule will allow for more RPGs.

Full details on the kickstarter here.


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