Boston, the Birthplace of Poe

I didn't know that Edgar Allen Poe was a Bostonian, although, after a little research, it isn't all that surprising that the information is not wiespread, as he refered to the city as “Frogpondium,” 'a disparaging reference to a frog pond on its common and what he believed to be a parochial view of the world on the part of its literary set. (source)'.

However, as I am just returned from the city, I thought I would share my snaps of the building and the plaque where he is said to have been born, now a burrito restaurant.

The plaque is situated on a building at 176 Boylston Street, on the corner of Edgar Allen Poe way, the small alleyway running to the left of the building in this photograph. The plaque was installed by the Boston's Authors Club in 1925, to mark the supposed approximate location of the house in which the author was born.


  1. I can go to Poe's birthplace and get a burrito there? Sold!

    1. I cannot attest, however, to the quality of the burritos! ;)


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