Horror on the Orient Express: Zagreb handouts II

We completed the Horror on the Orient Express Campaign earlier this year, indeed I have already posted a link to the handouts I used for the Zagreb chapter here. But the end of the year is a good time to clear house and get things done that have been put on the back burner, so I'm returning to this subject to share some other handouts I made for that session.

What I did not get round to posting at that time were the audio files I used for that chapter, to voice the stranger in the mists that guides the party round dream Zagreb. To remedy that, I have made available the audio files I used for that session in a Dropbox folder. There are two types of file, those that were taken straight from the chapter as written, and some that I made individually for the Investigators of my group.

Zagreb Audio Files can be found here.  Please feel free to use them, but I would also like to know if you do, so drop me a comment to let me know.

The inspiration for these files was taken (read blatantly ripped off from) this blog. The files were created using the same voice changer that the writer of that blog used, and can be found here.

What I do offer here that the Horror on the Orient Express prop blog cannot is a European accent. Not an authentic accent from Zagreb by any means, as I am Scottish via Montreal rather than Croatian, but for that moody ghost guy vibe, I can offer a non-North American accent.

There were two other props I made for that chapter. A skull for the stranger to carry, and a bottle of wine for the players to drink to enter into the Dreamlands.

The wine was a bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling wine I found in the local store, which had a small label and a dark bottle, and was perfect for the job. The label was taken straight from the Blog mentioned above from this post.

The Skull was printed out from here, and taped together. I have since bought a skull from the dollar store during Halloween, so the next time I need one I'm set, but this one really worked and didn't even cost the dollar.


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