A Year in Gaming 2021

 As with 2020, 2021, for all it's problems, was a bumper year for gaming. Even more so as the local gaming group I like to think I have fostered includes others willing to run games, meaning even more so than last year, I played more sessions than I ran (34 sessions ran, 63 session played). I like to think there is an increase in diversity too, as I moved away from regular Call of Cthulhu games that dominated last years tally

The year started with a few final sessions of the Mothership campaign, 'A Pound of Flesh', which I fully intend to return to with the new edition of the rules. Most sessions of the other games ran were one-shots, and space fillers (Mork Borg and SLA Industries, Call of Cthulhu: The Necropolis), which were player favourites. There was one longer Call of Cthulhu scenario, 'The Darkened Hermitage' which we ran as a play test. A solid scenario, based in Quebec. Most of this year's GMing was linked to the Bounty Hunters Campaign, using West End Game's Star Wars. A great fun campaign, that was in no small way influenced by the Mandalorian. Maybe The Book of Boba Fett will bring me back to this setting in the New Year.

On to games played. As mentioned, the number of sessions played this year was almost double that of those ran. Brilliant! Thanks to all those who GMed for me this year. Highlights include finally getting to try Cthulhu Dark, Blades in the Dark and Alien. Of course, I will never not play L5R if given the chance, so to run through the 'Code of Bushido' mini-campaign was also a delight. Unexpectedly, Star Frontiers was also a lot of fun (I say unexpectedly, as I didn't know how I would take to an explicitly '80's game which I had no emotional attachment to. As can be seen from the images below, not only more sessions played, but a much wider variety of games too. Win-win!

On the blogging front, things were much more... subdued.
Only one post written all year. Do I expect this to increase next year? I make absolutely no promises, nor do I foresee no great changes on that front.

So, looking forward, at the end of this year, we managed to have a grand total of two face-to-face sessions at the end of the year with the local gamers. Unfortunately, as we head into another lockdown, with curfew, those sessions have moved back online for the foreseeable future (at least till February by my reckoning). With that in mind, larger campaigns, like Masks, or 'Impossible Landscapes' have been shunted down the line, and shorter adventures moved forward.

So here's to another bumper year of (online?) gaming to you all!


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