A Year in Gaming 2020

 This past year has been many, many things. Most of which are outside the remit of this here blog, so I shall pass them by without another word. 

What this year has been for me, and for many others, is an eye-opener in terms of how accessible gaming has become online. This has meant that not only have I run as many games as I would have in a normal year (maybe even a few sessions more) but I have played a lot more gaming sessions than I have in decades, AND a lot more variety of games than I have since just as long.

Rather than list them all out, let's see the numbers. This year, I have played in a whopping 48. Forty eight gaming sessions this year alone. Just to give you an idea, last year I played in 13 sessions of various RPGs, and 5 of those were at Necronomicon. I think the year before I managed 2!

What have I been playing? Well, looky here...

Of those games played, I am very happy to have finally got in a game of Fiasco. It went very well, and am looking to get more games in with that particular group. I am also hugely pleased to have played so much The One Ring. We have made it through the first few years of the Darkening of Mirkwood campaign, which pleases me more than I can state.

As to what I have been running, well I managed a total of 38 sessions as GM this year, which is a little up on last years 33, but not so much as you would notice. As could be guessed, the bulk of that was Call of Cthulhu, in a variety of flavours. However I did manage to get some Mothership in there, enough to coax the players into a campaign based on the 'A Pound of Flesh' booklet.

So there we go, 2020, the year I moved my gaming online, and didn't look back.

How was your year in gaming? Any games you didn't get to try that you wanted to? That is of course another list entirely, but I haven't made fancy little graphics for those.

Hope 2021 is all you want it to be, and may your dice never let you down.


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