A Year in Gaming 2022

 Hey look, it's that blog that posts once a year! Whoo, must be 2023!

This year was another bumper year for games. With a total of 17 session ran, and 76 sessions played. The trend of me getting to play more that I run, is continuing. As we seem to be coming out of the pandemic, more of the games I ran were actually face to face games. A trend I foresee continuing into the new year, however, the online gaming aspect, even for the local gaming group will remain something we fall back on, especially to allow everyone to play/run games.

In terms of what games I ran? Well, there were a total of 7 different games/systems (8 if you count Pulp Cthulhu as different from Call of Cthulhu, but let's just say it's the same thing).

All but one of these were one-shot games. Filling in space in the calendar, or allowing others to take a break in their schedules, with the exception of the One Ring (2e). This I ran as the mini-campaign in the boxed set, then a few sessions at the end of the year that constitute the beginning of a Lost Realms campaign that I plan to run into the next year.

New games that I ran this year, well not as many as I would have liked, but The One ring counts, as this was my first time with the 2e of the game. The only other being Agon. This is one that bears coming back to, but works very well as a one-shot, interspersing it with other games.

On to games played. This was another great year for games played, with a total of 77 sessions (thereabouts, there may be an accounting error in the number of sessions for Numenera), and 12 different games. Of that 12, exactly half of them were games I played for the first time!.

Highlights for me included playing a game (Kids on Bikes) at a new FLGS, although I have yet to wander over there for a second session, hopefully this year that will happen again. Another highlight was getting to game in a session of 3, 2, 1 Action!, ran by the writer of the game, through the Vintage RPG Podcast discord.

Lastly, I'm very happy to be getting to continue The Darkening of Mirkwood campaign. We're 3 years and 59 sessions deep in this campaign, and I'm not really sure we're even half way through! What a monster!

Lastly, do I have any gaming resolutions for this year? No, not really. I do know what I would like, and that is imply that this trend continues. More games in person, more games of the One Ring (both flavours), and more time spend playing with friends.

Happy New Year, and Happy Gaming to you all!


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