A Year in Gaming 2023

A Happy New Year to you all. 

As is my wont, I tracked my gaming process throughout the year, and here we have the annual summary of events. 

This last year saw a return to the GM seat, after the completion of a long running Witchlight Campaign where I played Beaghan, the Fairy Bard. This means I had a total of 23 sessions as GM, and 65 as a player. Slightly fewer sessions overall from last year, but still a great amount of gaming was done. One highlight was getting back round a table for face to face gaming on a regular schedule, at one point having 8 people round the table, as there are three of our group who do not like to play online. This has calmed down to a more manageable 6-7 regulars, which is still a good sized group, that allows us to continue even through some members being unavailable. It seems the time taken to build up the group has payed off.

In terms of new games tried, there were a whopping 11 new games/systems that hit the table for me this year. Three of those were one page RPGs (The Witch is dead; Perdu sous la Pluie; and All Outta Bubblegum). One was playtesting a version of the upcoming FiveEvil system (likely more on this in future posts). Of the other new games played/ran, Achtung Cthulhu and Tales from the Loop were the games that got the most play, and therefore the ones that I can truly add as new systems tested, as opposed to one-shots. 

In terms of Campaigns, we wrapped up the Wilds Beyond the Witchlight campaign for 5e, a massive 37 sessions of play over 3 years (non-continuous). We also played through the Crypt of the Devil Lich, using the DCC rules. Man, 7th level characters for DCC are quite something to behold! Finally, we ran through most of the 'They Grow up so Fast' campaign for Tales from the loop (with a few additional scenarios), which will wrap up in the new year. 

Games Run

Games Played

I'll leave the images to speak for themselves, as the summary above includes all the highlights I want to mention. 

It only remains to mention some plans for 2024. Well, this year is a NecronomiCon Providence year, which I am heartily looking forward to. 

In terms of specific upcoming games, I think the plan this year will be to try out Vaesen, possibly with a rotating GM in the chair (well rotating between 2 GMs) which will be interesting in many ways. I am also looking forward to gaming with John Wick, as I have signed up for some games with him in the L5R universe. I an so excited about that, that I will be sure to blog about it here soon.

May 2024 be all you want it to be, and contain many hours of happy gaming, and here's to telling stories with friends!


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