New Year, New Blog

I don't make New Years resolutions, I'm too stuck in my ways, but one thing I would like to do in 2024 is to renovate and renew my blogging in general, and specifically here.

When I set this blog up back in 2012, it was a place to put up RPG related things, in a similar way to what I was doing over on my painting blog. Back then, I built up a small following of other painters, and was able to follow many others easily. I never really tried to grow the following of this blog, and was always hesitant to share it. It's easy to share posts on painted minis in multiple forums, but this blog was more about writing, and I didn't share it in the same way.

So what's next? Well, first off, I will be posting more frequently here. More than just my annual 'Games wot I has played' posts that have given me my 1 post per year minimum. I have a couple of posts in the works on the Call of Cthulhu books I picked up recently in Japan, there will be an effort to move back to the Montreal part of the blog, and with gaming with John Wick, and NecrononiCon on the cards for this year, there should be enough content to keep me typing.

So that's the plan for basic content, phase one of the planned changes. I also plan to upgrade the interface for the blog. It has been over 10 years of the same layout, and I'm with a very small amount of effort, I can give the blog a facelift and make things pop a little more. 

Finally, with more content to share, and possibly more interesting things being said, and a prettier package, I will try to grow readership beyond the 3-4 people I know have read some of these pages. My goal is to increase interaction on the page. I don't think it will ever become a place of deep discussion, but the odd comment here or there, as was the case on my painting blog, would be a nice way to see people are reading. 


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