The Genevieve Diaries

As mentioned previously, Games Workshop are re-releasing older books in their back-catalogue. I really enjoyed "Drachenfels",  so this was a great opportnity to increase my Old World lore, get my oldhammer fix, and read some good stories. As I mentioned in my last post on the subject, there is "Drachenfels" and "Genevieve Undead", to which I have now added "Beasts in Velvet" and "Silver Nails".

If you only read one of these four books, make it Beasts in Velvet. There is so much going on in this book in terms of plot threads and characters for you to mine for your game, you could get a whole campaign out of it. This book makes the Old World come alive in your mind. Silver Nails is a great follow up, where the author shows us other little vignettes for the characters we have come to know and love, showing their further adventures. There is also pay-off in the final book that explains what was a non-sequitous plot thread in one of the other storied in Genevieve Undead.

In short get all of these books for your WRFP game. They show the grittiness and humour that the world is known for, along with great characters and plots for you to take, whether you are running a city game or a wilderness game (though mostly for cities to be honest). The class war element in Beast in Velvet is certainly going to make an appearance when I run the Enemy Within next time!


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