Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion Kickstarter

I have previously posted on the Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign companion, as written by the good people over at Well, it seems the pdf of that companion is no longer available through the site directly. This is not the bad news it first seems however, as the reason it has been taken down is so that the book can be published through funding raised on this Kickstarter project, with the very generous support of Sixtystone Press.

As of this post, there are 19 days left to go on the campaign, and the project has been easily funded (within 3 hours of launch), and marched through all but one of its (rather unadventurous) stretch goals. I have yet to place my support, but I will do, very shortly. One good thing about the lack of stretch goals is that the deadlines given for the project should be relatively easy to keep to, which is a good thing. If I were in charge though, I would change the artwork on the cover page. Not that it's bad, I just feel it's not great either.

One worthy thing to note about this project is that they list exactly how they will use the money in a very handy pie chart, and it seems that the majority of the money will be going to help fund the website, which is a very noble cause. Once the kickstarter books are printed and sent out, the book will be available from

If you don't manage to get it though, I'm sure the pdf version will be around in some form again afterwards.


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