RPG a Day 2024: Day 1

 Alright, lets give it a go this year, and see how far I get. No promises. RPG a Day 2024.

First RPG bought this year. Well, the first RPG book I bout this year was the 3rd edition of Cthulhu Dark ages. I had the older version., but bringing it up to 7th edition CoC was the driver for this purchase. 

But that's for Call of Cthulhu, so is it a game? The first game book with it's own system I bought was the Usagi Yojimbo Roleplaying game, which I picked up on sale in the dollar bin. I have no knowledge of the game, other than Usagi Yojimbo is cool, and Greg Stolze is a good RPG writer, but it was not really something I had planned to purchase. 

So does that make my first RPG purchase of 2024 Perils and Princesses? I think it does,

Of these three choices, the one I most want to get on the table is Perils and Princesses, but the one I'm most likely to get to the table soonest is Cthulhu Dark Ages.


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