RPG a Day 2024: Day 8

 RPG a Day 2024, day8: An Accessory you Appreciate?

Blades in the dark gets a lot of kudos for the game design shown in its pages, and I get that. I read it, and I see a great many tools in there that I would use. I don't think, however, it's the best publication for the Blades in the Dark system. I've read it, and I can see patches of what it is trying to do, but it seems obscured by itself. I've played it, and I'm pretty sure the GM we had was seeing things the same way, but his view was similarly obscured when translating things to the table, as what we played was a lot more of a trad-game than I think Blades actually is.

So when a|state came out with a new 2nd edition that was based on the Forged in the Dark system, I was happy, and yet had similar reserves about managing to get it to the table.

In stepped Morgue, with his dream fueled (apparently literally) 'table tower'. Between this and the play mat (ok, that's 2 accessories), Forged in the Dark games become much, much easier to get into. I am indeed comforted by the fact that the system requires not one but two accessories for this to be the case. It shows it's really not just me. Although, the relationship between gamers and their nick-nacks must not be ignored.


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