RPG a Day 2024: Day 31

 RPG a Day 2024, day 31: Game or Gamer you miss.

Yay, I made it to the end! Go me. Last time I completed one of these was back in 2017. Reading back, I see I had the same plan then as now. Write a bunch of posts at the start of the month when momentum and time were high, then schedule posts to arrive on time. I see that back them was also a NecronomiCon year. 

So we're ending on a high note...?

...oh, no, that's a bit of a downer. Game or gamer I miss? 

Well, there are a few ways I could go with this. I miss not having all my 1e L5R books, and I have no idea where they ended up. Nah, too material.

I miss all the people I gamed with in Edinburgh at GEAS. I am in contact with many through social media, either through the dying facebook, or the various discords we share membership of. So there. That's a bunch of gamers that were part of my life for a good 5-6 year period that I no longer game with in any fashion. Know that you are missed.


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