RPG a Day 2024: Day 20

 RPG a Day 2024, day 20: Amazing Adventure

There are a great many amazing adventures out there, and many of them are home-made GM written. For todays prompt, I will stick to published adventures, as through these, we build a community of shared experience.

If, however, I have to pick one adventure, then I'll go with Dissociation. Dissociation is a scenario written by Matthew Sanderson, and is published in the Fears Sharp Little Needles book of scenarios, published by Stygian Fox. I won't spoiler it, but I have run this scenario twice, and had a great time both times. This is a modern day Call of Cthulhu scenario, with a classic Lovecraftian monster, but the title of the scenario works for both the investigators and the players. There are a few twists and turns, and a great end point. I love it.

However, if you want to know more, a quick search on Youtube should hit you up with a couple of spoiler filled reviews.


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