RPG a Day 2024: Day 5

 RPG a Day, day 5: An RPG with great writing?

I must admit, no matter which game it is, I very rarely read much of the fiction in there, nor do I tend to read them start to finish in any strict way. I get a new RPG and I'll start by flicking through, then honing in on the bits I need to know. I use them as technical manuals, rather than reading material, as that is what they are.

So for this category, I'll treat them as such, and with that in mind, the best, most accessible RPG I've read is likely either version of the One Ring, specifically the adventures, and the Darkening of Mirkwood campaign. I have not read much, as I am still playing through it, but what I have read is so economical and to the point it's easy to get the information you require for any of the adventures quickly. There is not a lot of text to dig through, which means a couple of things. You get a nice long campaign in quite a thin book, but it does also mean that it is not a campaign I would suggest for beginning GMs, as there is a lot less hand-holding. 


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