RPG a Day 2024: Day 27

 RPG a Day 2024, day 27: Marvelous Minature

I rarely if ever use minis when I'm role-playing. Never have. We didn't get into the habit of it back in the days of black-and white, and we rarely play(ed) games where miniatures helped with combat. I do like tactical combat of the kind that miniatures go well with, but it's a separate hobby for me, minis-gaming anf RPGs are two great tastes that I don't mix.

Indeed, I have a separate blog, just for minis. Lead and Paint. I started it before this one, but it has lain dormant recently, as has my mini-painting. 

Minis I like, that I have painted? Well, the gang I painted for Frostgrave is up there, and includes some cools minis from various companies (including an Olaf that I commissioned from Antoine)


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