RPG a Day 2024: Day 24

RPG a Day 2024, day 24: Acclaimed advice?

Over the years, I have amalgamated a great amount of GM advice, from the books themselves, from playing with others and seeing different styles, from reading books of advice, be it Robin's Laws of Good Games Mastering, the little book of Keeper Tips, or the Ultimate RPG Guide series by James D'Amato.

All of which I recommend, and have taken things from.

If there is once piece of advice that I can remember clearly when and where It sunk in, it was back with MERP. One thing that the rulebook tries hard to get across was game balance. Now I do not pretend to believe that what I thought of as game balance back then and what I believe now are the same thing at all, but that concept of game balance was required for a game as swingy as MERP, and it meant that even back then, I wasn't throwing things at players that they couldn't handle. This was a game that was really trying to tell the GM that in a case of GM vs Player, the GM can always win, and therefore should be careful to make it a fair fight. In the 80s and 90s, this was news to many GMs. 


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